‘Tis the season, and no we don’t mean Christmas. It’s Pumpkin Spice season, and it’s more than just a latte. If you’re the kind of person who marks their calendar for opening day at Starbucks, then this post containing all things pumpkin spice was made for you.
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PSL – It’s not just for coffee drinkers!
Pumpkin Spice is everywhere. What started as a precursor to boots and scarves has now found its way into everything from candles to dog treats. Yes, you heard that right. To keep things simple, we went on the hunt for anything and everything pumpkin spice from our favorite retailer – Target.
Pumpkin Spice for Breakfast
Okay, so we started simple. Pumpkin Spice Cheerios. Pumpkin as a breakfast food works for me. Plus, we go through a LOT of cereal in this family. Like, a lot. It’s nice to change it up now and then,
Pumpkin Spice Breakfast Bread – Imagine this toasty with butter in the morning. This is the kind of pumpkin spice I can get behind. CARBS
Pumpkin Spice Drinks
Califia Farms Dairy Free Pumpkin Spice Latte Cold Brew – The work has been done for you! And at this price you’re getting 6 PSLs for the price of one!
Pumpkin Spice Tea – and it’s decaf, in case too many PSLs have you bouncing off of the walls
Pumpkin Spice Premier Protein Drink – So apparently it’s a thing to add these to cold brew for a protein drink/latte hybrid? Make it seasonal!
Starbucks Non-Dairy Pumpkin Spike Latte Creamer – Starbucks debuted their PSL creamer in stores in previous years, but the addition of a dairy free version has people singing their praises. The pumpkin sauce used in stores has dairy in it, so it’s not possible to order a dairy free Pumpkin Spice Latte in stores, however you can make one at home!
Pumpkin Spice Snacks
Pumpkin Spiced Marshmallows – for a tasty Rice Krispy treat or even a hot chocolate bar? YEP.
Pumpkin Spice Almonds – For a sweet snack
PSL for the Home
Pumpkin Spice Poo-Pourri – and then BAM we hit you with the big reveal right up top. Honestly, this isn’t the oddest PSL item on this list in my personal opinion.
Pumpkin Spice Candles – Because your home needs to smell like fall, even if you’re still dressing for summer.
Body Products with a Pumpkin Spice Twist
Native Deodorant – Remember when I said there was something to top the PooPourri? Yeah, it’s PSL deodorant. I happen to love Native deodorant, but I’m not sure I want a warm spice emanating from my pits.
Pumpkin Spice Latte soap – And that’s where you’ve lost me!
A Dog Friendly PSL
Pumpkin Spice Greenies – Well, sharp left turn from casual breakfast food to dog treats. But why shouldn’t your pup get seasonal tooth cleaning chewies?
Pumpkin Spice for Your Brain
Pumpkin Spice Sudoku – Look, this is pumpkin spice in name only, but we appreciate the marketing exec who saw an opportunity and went for it.
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Megan and Wendy are Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Wait. What? Look, we’re fun. We make a podcast. One of us loves a PSL and one finds them to be an abomination. Listen weekly for the girlfriend chat you’re missing in your life.