I spent the better part of yesterday cleaning things out of my daughter’s room. No one is more suprised than I am that she was a willing participant in the process, gleefully creating a pile of things to “pass on” to others. I focused on one sort of thing at a time, starting with stuffed animals, and dumped them all on the floor. Rather than making her choose which ones to get rid of, I made her pick up each and every one and decide if she was going to keep it or donate it. We repeated the process with Barbies, My Little Ponies, Shopkins, books even. I took care of her closet while she worked through the piles and this morning we packed my husband’s car full of things to donate.
My own closet is an embarrassment and I need to apply the same strategy in there this week. All of this to say that I fully acknowledge my hipocrisy in announcing that Wendy and I have decided that May is going to be a no-spend month on the same day we post a clothing haul. I don’t need any more stuff coming into this house this month. (Although I maintain that I did need a spring/summer closet refresh, hence this haul.) I bought a few things at Old Navy last month, but I feel like I need to clarify that it was all on sale and almost entirely purchased with a gift card.
Any tips for staying true to a no-spend month? My plan is to continue decluttering, while also shopping my own stash. I’m currently on a challenging mission that requires actually finishing all of the half-burned candles in my house. Turns out they still smell good even when they’re not brand new. Perhaps a series of decluttering videos are in order. I know my makeup and nail polish collections could use some purging. Let us know what you want to see from us!