First Peeps. Now what? That’s right folks, it’s time for a Target Easter Haul. You’ll notice that Megan spent most (all?) of her time in the Dollar Spot/Bulleye’s Playground while Wendy had to search far(ther) and wide(r) to find the goods.
Remember back when we talked about doing a no-spend month this year. Wasn’t that cute? Easter is coming and with that means a new seasonal section in Target and a Dollar Spot overhaul and we’re nothing if not suckers for seasonal decor, crafts, treats, stickers and of course GEL CLINGS!
After we piled all of this stuff up on the table I really wanted to make sure that it all gets put to good use so I’m making it my mission to get out the crafts for my kids, put up the decor and that project I mentioned for my poor bannerless self? I’m making it this week, so help me.
I should tell you that after the filming of this, I was walking through a very crowded Target on Saturday night and what should I find in the dollar sport, but one lonely bunny banner. And you know I bought it, so all is right with the world.