In today’s post I admit that there is definitely something magical about Disneyland.
I’ve carried a Matterhorn-sized chip on my shoulder for many years about Disneyland. It’s not worth getting into the details but said chip has to do with blogging, the community, and opportunities I’ve never seen land in my inbox. My desire to be part of that elite network of influencers grew into real resentment. And somehow that resentment became part of my identity, my schtick. Wendy hates two things: Christmas and Disneyland.
However, I really don’t hate either that much. I’m still working on finding joy at Christmas but there was one trip a few winters ago that finally melted this girls’ cold, resentful heart.
When my daughter was a toddler, we would spend mornings at the park because it was easy and admission was free for her. She loved Minnie and we’d spend hours at the Toon Town playground, sip on Apple Freezes, and then go to take photos with all the princesses. Those were magical days. Reminiscing about her glee fills my heart with such happiness and it’s those snapshots that remind me how special Disneyland is through a child’s eyes.
We had been promising our now almost-tween daughter a Christmas trip to Disneyland. At the time, I wasn’t really looking forward to it because it seemed like a very expensive hassle during a very hectic time of year. The two things I’m known for disliking the most were colliding.
But, I saw a little skip in my daughter’s stride as we approached the gates. This is a dead giveaway for a girl who rarely exudes excitement. My cold heart melted. We weren’t even inside the park yet and she was so filled with joy. I thought it was about time I experienced some joy myself and the day turned out to be wonderfully fun.
It took years before it dawned on me that Disneyland isn’t about me or blogging or opportunities. It’s about having fun and I was letting all that other noise take that away.
READ: The benefits of the Disneyland Max Pass
Disneyland Christmas VLOG
You can hear a little bit of uncertainty in this vlog when I talk about visiting the park during the holidays. Yes, it was my idea! Re-watching it, I don’t hate anything about going to Disneyland. The only thing is I get lonely while my family waits to go on a ride. What is one to do besides eat snacks and people watch? Leave me your ideas in the comments!
I don’t even know who I am anymore!
Megan and I recently launched a Disneyland-specific Instagram called Girls Gone Disney. Megan is the life-long Annual Pass Holder and I have been the reluctant visitor for many years. She shares her expertise and I am rediscovering the park through a new lens. Follow us!