It’s that time of the year, the highlight of our summer, the kickoff of the newest Big Brother season and with it, our annual Big Brother 20 Cast First Impressions and Predictions video. We know you love this video as much as we do as we have been receiving requests all across the internet for our thoughts and we are here to deliver!
First things first, the video! You can find all of our thoughts on this season, based solely on Big Brother 20 houseguests cast interviews with (new interviewer!) Ross Matthews. Based on these quick interviews with hard-hitting questions like “Would you rather be loved and lose or hated by America and win the game?” we have created our lists of who we think will be the first to cry, go home, form an unexpected alliance and end up in a showmance.
Finally, to keep track of who goes home when, (because honestly who can remember that sort of thing?) we love the Big Brother planner stickers from fellow Big Brother superfan KPL Plans! I love that she creates custom stickers every season that have the name of each houseguest!
Big Brother Season 20 “Bye” Cast Stickers
Make sure you’re following us on Instagram where we’ll be sharing our thoughts on every episode this summer via IGtv!